The First Adventurers
A Journey
Hot Water beach had become a world renown tourist destination but its history and that of Adventurer's Chest started back in 1937, there were no sealed roads and the village had not been built yet. The land surrounding us was part of the Pye family farm. An Auckland man Jim Matthews heard of a place called Hot Water Beach, not knowing how hard it might be to get to the then virtually undiscovered Coromandel Peninsula he packed up the family and set off from Auckland on their Truck with the kids packed right in next to the camping gear.

Knock Knock
After an all day drive including the still treacherous Tapu Hills the family arrived at the Pye Farm late in the evening and without who knowing who was on the other side asked if they could stay somewhere for the night on their farm. Well received despite the late arrival the adventurers set up camp in a paddock beneath a massive Pohutukawa tree that these days shelters Adventurer's Chest from the cold southerly winter winds.
Adventurer's Chest
In later years the site was developed into a campground and hosted family adventures for many seasons until 2005 when the area was subdivided as it is today, we loved the story of the place and how it matches up with the life we live and the dream we had to share with you. This is where Adventurer's Chest came from, it is themed through everything we provide